COU511 Prayers That Heal the Heart (Personal) Graduate

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2 credits

The main purpose of this course is to guide you through a series of prayers with the goal of bringing healing and release to your heart. Therefore, this is not a fact or academics-based course. It is an interactive experience that requires your total participation. Simply repeating the words after the instructor will accomplish absolutely nothing. It is not the words that bring healing – it is your faith that releases the power of the Holy Spirit to heal.

If you would prefer to develop a greater understanding of the theology and principles behind the various prayers, take COU501 Prayers that Heal the Heart (Professional) Graduate instead. Also, if you are planning to be involved in any ministry that involves counseling, you should take the Professional version rather than this one. You will still receive personal healing but you will also be better prepared to help others.

Prerequisite: REN103/503 Communion with God