The grading system is based on the US academic 4-point scale grading system; where “A” is for Excellent, “B” for above average, “C” for Average, “D” for below average, and “F” for fail, “I” for incomplete, “W” for withdrawal, and “T” for transfer.

Grades are assigned by faculty Seminary Instructors based on the following methods of grading on the following items: Academic comprehension (Academic fulfillment of the course and assignments) 50%; Experiential Assimilation (Relating acquired knowledge to actual life experiences, and demonstrating how it either relates or will relate to your own life), Assignments, and Attendance.


  1. Excellent: 92-100%; Letter grade: A, A-
  2. Above Average: 81-91%; Letter grade: B+, B, B-
  3. Average: 70-80%; Letter grade: C+, C, C-
  4. Below Average: 50-69%; Letter grade: D+, D
  5. Failing: 0-49%; Letter grade: F
  6. Incomplete means all assignments were not turned in and the full course completed; Letter grade: I
  7. Withdraw: student dropped out of the class in the first three weeks.

NOTE: Incomplete courses can always be retaken at no extra cost.

Suspension: A student can be suspended or expelled from the school for any of the following reasons or combination of both or more: a. Plagiarism (Reproducing the work, sentence, statement, or quotation of another as if it were your own without giving credit to the author, or lifting any material from the work of another and pretending to be the original writer), Un-Christ like behavior, or unruly conduct, failure to follow course instructions, being rude to course instructor, involvement with the law, use of foul language, or any other behavior deemed to be inappropriate for Christian living.